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Get Ready Because It’s #TimeToMint!

Today, we’re excited to introduce our #TimeToMint campaign, a reminder that wherever you are, whenever you want, for whatever you need — anytime can be a time to Mint. Taking a moment to Mint before making financial decisions is an opportunity to make progress toward any goal, whether it’s to stay on budget, to save for a big purchase, or to make strides in paying off debt. 

We know goals may change, life gets messy, windfalls appear, and your feelings about your finances may move around from week to week. No matter what life throws your way, we’re there for you through your biggest life moments, daily realities, and everything in between. 

Seeing Minters achieve their goals is the greatest reward and we can’t wait to see what you will do next! 

What are your tips and tricks for staying motivated? How do you use the Mint app to accomplish your goals – big AND small? We want to hear! Share with us here and on Twitter and Instagram

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